Purchasing a roll forming line with material handling greatly increases efficiency and safety

By Noli Cusi, Vice President of Operations, Samco Machinery

TORONTO, November 7, 2023 – Every year, it seems roll forming manufacturers are being asked to improve turnaround, speed up roll forming capabilities, using heavier and high-strength materials while still focusing on safety. No problem, right? Well, there are solutions, improved equipment, larger equipment and better technology.  View Complete Article

Optimal fabrication and welding; certified and standardized

By Noli Cusi, VP of Fabrication Division; Kevin Hurd, Applications Engineer; and Karen Repovs, Account Manager of Fabrication Division, Samco Machinery

TORONTO, December 2, 2020 – When it comes to choosing a metal fabricator and welder, customers are in search of high-quality work and value to maintain a competitive price strategy. Advancements in technology and precision, such as Fiber Optic Laser material cutting, have decreased processing time to improve the performance of metal fabricators. Standardization, adhering to manufacturing processes and quality measures, has made it possible for fabricators and welders to meet the just-in-time supply models demanded in manufacturing today.  View Complete Article

Evaluating the significance of Industry 4.0 and how it affects your operation

By Gerry Birmingham, VP of Engineering, Samco Machinery

TORONTO, July 15, 2020 – The future is now. Or is it? Technology changes so fast it sometimes feels like the future was yesterday and you missed it! Preparing for Industry 4.0 may have you wondering if it can apply to your business. What we do know is the roll forming industry is poised to be at the forefront of the upgrade. What most are referring to as the fourth industrial revolution first starts with understanding what the various terms actually mean and how they can apply to your business.  View Complete Article

Roll forming change overs evolve to tool repositioning
By Joe Repovs, Founder, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, May 14, 2020 – Things weren’t always simpler in so-called simpler times. Until the early 1970s, the image of tool changeovers within the roll forming industry was of an operator – or several operators – laboriously removing clumsy stands and heavy roll tooling and reloading with a different set of roll tooling. Depending on the number of stations and the number of rolls, a tool changeover could take anywhere from four to 12 hours. That’s a lot of time for your roll former to be “out of service” and therefore, not making you money.  View Complete Article

Demands drive innovative efficiency improvements to roll forming
By Jaswinder Bhatti, VP Applications Engineering, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, April 1, 2019 – Those who depend on roll formers for their livelihood expect a lot from their roll forming line. They want it to do more, be more versatile and they want it faster. It’s not always easy, but that’s the goal when a customer requests or demands improvements. So far, the industry has been able to meet the demands of customers for their roofing and wall panel roll forming machines. The industry has introduced innovations to help improve productivity, reduce downtime and reduce labor input. View Complete Article

Roll former manufacturing operations undergoing a revolution
Technology helps increase production, reduce labor costs and improve safety
By Don Fanstone, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, February 27, 2019 – This article is for those seeking to achieve the following:

·         Keep employees safe
·         Increase rates of production without an increase in labor costs
·         Large reduction in labor costs

Roll former manufacturing operations are undergoing a revolution due to advances in technology.  View Complete Article

Simplifying the placement of Induction motor or Servo motors in your line
By Jim Harmer, Electrical Designer, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, August 16, 2018 – Custom-designing and manufacturing equipment for an entire roll forming line requires a thorough understanding of the multiple applications contained within that line. Engineering these machines to perform to customer requirements can be a challenging process. Among the considerations during the design process is motor selection for each and every application. From a stand-alone roll former to a roll forming line featuring an uncoiler, flattener, roll former, stacker, nester and packaging station, the motor is what makes the machine run efficiently for the customer.  View Complete Article

Minimize downtime of your roll forming line with online help
Machine manufacturers offer assistance via remote access
By Jim Harmer, Electrical Designer, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, February 13, 2018 – For those whose business involves a roll forming line, nothing is costlier than downtime. When the line is not running, there is no product; with no product, there is no customer; and with no customer … well, you get the idea. Obviously, the main objective when facing downtime is to get your line back up and running. It may require a mechanical fix because something has worn out or broken somewhere along the line. Generally, mechanical issues are easier to diagnose than electrical or software programming issues. Once it’s determined what needs to be fixed or replaced, your downtime is determined by the length of time it takes to fix or replace the damage.  View Complete Article

Make your line more efficient by integrating equipment
Roll forming lines become more complete by eliminating offline processes
By Jaswinder Bhatti, VP Applications Engineering, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, February 7, 2018 – Your world depends on the quality of the end product coming off your roll forming line. Total quality control is best achieved with a complete line; not just a roll former, but a line that takes your product all the way to completion.
Roll forming evolved from hand tools to small brakes to larger brakes. Today’s roll forming lines bend metals no hand tools or brakes could come close to forming. Roll forming lines have helped metal shops become more efficient and be more profitable.
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Getting the most out of your roll former purchase

By Jaswinder Bhatti, VP Applications Engineering, Samco Machinery

TORONTO, June 20, 2017 – When researching to purchase a one-of-a-kind roll former, the more information you bring to the manufacturer, the better your chances of getting a roll former that does what you need it to do. Purchasing a custom roll former is one of your business’s larger investments. Getting the most out of your investment depends on designing a machine that will produce consistent product for a long time. The design will only be as good as the information provided to the roll former manufacturer so it’s important to have all the questions answered and every consideration covered.  View Complete Article

Taming High Strength Steel during the roll forming process 

By Sabri Tarzian and Joe Repovs, Samco Machinery.

TORONTO, May 18, 2017 – Roll forming high-strength steel was once an incredibly challenging endeavor. Technology and industry innovations have eased the burden, allowing the manufacturer to use thinner gauge steel while maintaining a stronger and lighter part.  View Complete Article

Samco Machinery evolves with ever-changing roll forming industry
Customers keep raising expectations for roll former manufacturers
By Gerry Birmingham, VP of Engineering, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, February 28, 2017 – The roll forming industry is a moving target… changing, evolving, advancing all the time. In today’s market, customers need agility; custom production at increased speeds within efficient footprints. This leads to a greater return on investment and lower production costs. And while this thinking is intuitively practical, it is far less easy. Samco Machinery has learned that if you want to make equipment perform to the increasing needs of customers, then the systems and people used to develop the equipment must also be as agile.  View Complete Article

New Year brings in optimism for roll forming manufacturers

Customer excitement leads Samco Machinery to invest in growth

TORONTO, January 17, 2017 – Orders were up, spending was up and optimism remains up. Customers looking to invest in roll forming solutions are heading into 2017 expecting to roll up their sleeves, work hard and have a great year, according to Bob Repovs, CEO at Samco Machinery in Toronto.  View Complete Article

Material handling equipment increases efficiency, profits
Samco Machinery offers a customized variety of time and money savers
TORONTO, October 6, 2016 – You get into business because you know you can provide a product or service better than the competition. You also get into business because you know you can make money providing that product or service. When it comes to making money, efficiency is the key in any business. Samco Machinery produces roll forming equipment for a number of industries, including building and construction, transportation, storage, consumer products and energy.  View Complete Article

How to choose for your roll former: Pre-Cut vs. Post-Cut
Quality roll tooling designers consider the possibilities for each customer
By Joe Repovs, Founder of Samco Machinery
TORONTO, September 20, 2016 – Any investment can cause a business owner to lose some sleep. When it comes to investing in roll forming equipment and accessories, let the designer do the worrying. The Pre-Cut vs. Post-Cut dilemma keeps roll tooling designers up at night and it’s not always a technical issue. Decisions get more complicated when the equipment dictates the cut-off method and financial considerations surely enter into the equation.  View Complete Article

Preventative maintenance on roll formers saves money, time
Protect your investment – and business – by making time for maintenance
By Jaswinder Bhatti, Vice President of Applications Engineering & Global Operations, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, August 23, 2016 – Every investment is worth protecting. When you invest in machinery or equipment that is the lifeblood of your operation, investing time and money in preventative maintenance should be a top priority. If you run the machine 24/7, without maintenance, you’re playing with fire. You can just keep running the machine and keep replacing parts when they break, but you spend a lot more on parts than you lose on maintenance downtime. The goal is to keep the machine running for a long time. If you don’t stop for maintenance, at some point, something’s going to break and you may have to wait three months for a replacement part. Obviously, that is downtime no one can afford.   View Complete Article

Samco assists gutter protection supplier make best decision for growing business

Custom roll form equipment manufacturer leverages vertical integration to not only construct tooling but to roll parts in-house for a customer not ready to invest in a complete turnkey machine.
TORONTO, June 8, 2016 – Start-up costs have been known to inhibit the actual start-up of even the most solid business ventures. Samco Machinery has discovered a way to help new businesses in need of a custom roll formed product to reduce their start-up costs while producing top-quality products.  View Complete Article

Understanding the benefits of roll forming over press braking
Samco Machinery explores options for customers looking to grow their business
TORONTO, April 12, 2016 – Samco Machinery doesn’t work with a crystal ball, but the company’s experience helps customers make important decisions justifying the migration to outsource roll forming vs. in-house brake forming. Press braking has – and will always have – its place in the forming of metal products. However, as soon as a customer is faced with high volume production, is in need of more complex profiles or is seeking to explore more cost-effective processing options, outsourcing production to custom roll formers becomes a viable option.   View Complete Article

It’s worth investigating before you purchase an uncoiler

Considerations include coil size, throughput requirements as well as your changeover needs
TORONTO, July 29, 2015 – If you’ve got an in-house roll former, you’ve got an uncoiler, also known as a decoiler. You probably put a lot of time into researching the purchase of your roll former, making sure it does everything you need it to do. Samco Machinery recommends that same level of evaluation and consideration when purchasing an uncoiler, making sure it does everything you need it to do.  View Complete Article

Plant safety starts before construction begins and never ends
Make the best use of space while keeping employee and visitor safety in mind
TORONTO, June 9, 2015 – Many are not eager to talk about safety until something goes wrong. Obviously, by then it’s too late. The set-up, operation and maintenance of roll forming equipment requires a keen safety awareness for anyone working in the same facility. Manufacturers like Samco Machinery can be an effective resource for customers with expectations of providing a safe working environment for their employees.
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Focus on diversification, customer needs leads to success
Samco Machinery continues to adapt, innovate and meet new demands
TORONTO, February 4, 2015 – To succeed in today’s competitive world, those who conduct “business as usual” may be left behind. Diversification has made Samco Machinery a stronger company. When a company relies on its business from a single industry, it’s vulnerable when that industry experiences a downturn. Samco Machinery has increased production volume by finding new markets. View Complete Article

Buying new vs. used equipment: What’s best for you?

Research a necessity to ensure the better decision for your operation
By Joe Repovs, Founder, Samco Machinery
TORONTO, December 2, 2014 – Successful businesses are run by people who are prudent with how money is spent or re-invested into the business. The bigger the expenditure, the more research may be required to make the best decision.The purchase of rollforming equipment is certainly a major investment in your business. Rollformers are often your operation’s most integral piece of equipment, so you want to make sure you’re purchasing a rollformer that will meet all your demands or can be updated to meet those requirements.  View Complete Article

Samco Machinery to roll form innovative product from Nucap
GRIP Metal altering thinking of attachment process in multiple industries
TORONTO, June 11, 2014 – Samco Machinery manufactures roll forming and stamping equipment for several industries: building and construction, storage, coil processing, energy, transportation and a variety of consumer products. These innovations evolve from finding a way to say “yes.” Among Samco’s newest partners is Nucap, a global leader in cold form stamping for vehicle brake system components. Nucap, another company in the “yes” business while promising to “meet any production needs for our brake industry clients,” has developed a product called GRIP Metal. View Complete Article

Samco globalization helps new and existing customers
Company growth, success discovered through expansion abroad
TORONTO, May 8, 2014 – Every business owner is looking for ways to grow market share. You do your research, weigh the risks vs. rewards, do some more research and finally, you pull the trigger. About 10 years ago, Samco Machinery Ltd. discovered a way to improve its business and grow its business through globalization, all while helping customers. CEO Bob Repovs recently presented the Samco story to students at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University as well as the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, both in Ottawa, Ont. View Complete Article

Samco Machinery finds solution for door manufacturer

Roll former allows Premier Products to offer improved door framing system
TORONTO, March 18, 2014 – Premier Products Inc. of Monroe, La., manufactures commercial hollow metal steel doors and frames, as well as a complete line of building doors, frames and aluminum windows for metal building applications. Company president Joey Meggs, was in the market to offer his customers a new door frame – a kerf frame profile with a groove for weather stripping. This groove would simplify the application of weather stripping, saving his customers valuable time in the field and provide improved aesthetics for the entire opening. View Complete Article

Roll forming machinery a strong investment with improving economy
TORONTO, January 29, 2014 – It’s a new year and the economic indicators are more positive than they have been in quite some time. New construction is up, renovations are up. Even the Florida construction market is improving. View Complete Article
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